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Our coating is very flexible, very durable and if cared for correctly will last the lifetime of the tyre. So if you're looking for a set of affordable whitewall tyres or would like whitewalls installed on to your existing tyres, look no further!

Centrally located in Staffordshire, mr whitewalls has been providing customers with affordable whitewall tyres for a number of years.

The whitewalls are applied using purpose built machinery to create a perfect ring on the tyre wall. New tyres can be striped but may initially discolour, with regular miles and with use of our amazing specialised cleaner the discolouration process stops at around 3000 miles (manufacturer dependent)

We don't just do whitewalls either we can provide most colours for you to customise your ride!
If you would like to book your vehicle in for some whitewalls please use the contact us form to arrange an appointment.
So if you're looking for some affordable whitewall tyres or for the best DIY whitewall paint on the market, please take a look at our shop

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